Virtual Tours: Alderney
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The Inter-Island Environment Meeting (IIEM) is held on an annual basis to give Government bodies, NGOs, environmental managers and individuals across the Channel Islands, the opportunity to meet and consider the status of the islands’ environments. The meetings draw representation from the Channel Islands and beyond, including Isle of Man, Isles of Scilly, Isle of Wight, as well as the UK and France. Alderney hosted the IIEM in 2015, with the support of Insurance Corporation, and focused on ecological research for environmental management, developing mechanisms for communication between the islands, and considering future resource sharing opportunities. Given Alderney’s proximity to France, cross-Channel networking is also an important component of environmental work.

An early morning visit to Alderney's Ramsar site as part of the 2015 Inter-Island Environment Meeting

© Emma Cary
(Projects / Conservation Actions, 8 of 8 - Slide ref. 797)