Virtual Tours: Gibraltar
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Features of Natural Interest

Gibraltar is home to over 600 plant species. Of these, three plants are endemic to Gibraltar and found nowhere else. These are: Silene tomentosa (Gibraltar campion), Cerastium gibraltaricum (Gibraltar chickweed) and Saxifraga globulifera var. gibraltarica (Gibraltar saxifrage). In addition, the country’s unique geographical position and resultant climate enable a number of plants native to North Africa to grow – making Gibraltar the only place in Europe where many of these plants are found. For example Iberis gibraltarica (Gibraltar candytuft) is a native of north Africa. Gibraltar is the only European station for this species.

Top L. to R. Silene tomentosa; Saxifraga globulifera var. gibraltarica

Bottom L. to R. Cerastium gibraltaricum; Iberis gibraltarica

© L. Linares for Flora of Gibraltar
(Features of Natural Interest, 6 of 6 - Slide ref. 1510)