Rev. 2.1 - 19/1/2009

1. Log on with userID/password at :

live site:

2. Function Selector Screen. Select:

Function: drop-down for-

a) Add News & Recent Item - new item for News or Recent Items on Home page, Announcements & Recent Items pages

b) List/Edit/Delete News - all items including non-active

c) Sort Home Page News by Date - select this to have Home Page items presented in descending (created or updated) date order

d) Sort Home Page News by Ordinal - select this to have Home Page items presented by Sort Ordinal, descending

e) Add Information Source -(descriptions for these items not included here)
f) Information Sources List
g) User Admin

3. Add New Item

This can be a new item for the "What's New" or "Recent Items" section on the home page and for the full Announcements and Recent Items Listing pages.

Screen contains the following fields:

Heading - Title of the entry - 100chs. max.
Short Description - the description to appear on the Home Page. Advisable to keep this fairly short, use full description for detail. New lines will be converted to appropriate HTML code for new lines (unless the NL checkbox is unchecked - see below). Note that the Active (Home) checkbox (see below) must be checked for the entry to appear.
Full Description - The main text for an entry on the Announcements page. Note that the Active (News) checkbox (see below) must be checked for the entry to appear.
Image name - Name of image to appear with Home Page item. Image needs to be small (80px width max) and located in images/whatsnew/
Link title to (URL) - An entry here is treated as a link and is applied to the Heading. Can be a local relative link, eg "territories/anguilla.htm", in which case the address is relative to the Home Page, as in this example, or a full URL, eg "". Any external URL is valid.
New Window - if checked, causes the target of the Main URL to open in a new window.
Additional Text Link - An entry here, eg "Click here for details...." appears on a separate line below the description and is intended for an additional/ alternative link to be applied as Text URL
Additional Text URL - As Main URL, but is applied to the entry in Text Link.
New Window - if checked, causes the target of the Text URL to open in a new window.
Sort Ordinals - Both fields require Numeric entry.
(a) For Whats New items, should be entered if sorting by ordinal is the method selected for sequencing the items on the Home Page. Sort will then be by Ordinal in descending order.
(b) for Recent Items - Sorting is by Ordinal and then date of entry/last update in descending order
Created, last updated, by - dates and userID, all completed by the system
Active/Home? - Checkbox to be checked if entry to appear on Home Page
Active/News? - Checkbox to be checked if entry to appear on Announcements Page
Recent items, home page - Checkbox to be checked if entry to appear on Home Page Recent Items section
Recent items page - Checkbox to be checked if entry to appear on Recent Items Page
NL - converts keyed newlines to HTML newlines. Normally leave this checked

On submission, the News Item Listing screen should appear with the new item at the top.

4. List/Edit

Displays all items on file, including non-active items, one line per item and showing:

  • Ref no - a number automatically added by the system to each entry. Default list is sorted by Ref No.
  • Heading
  • Last update - entered by system, but may be edited. News page items are sorted by this date in descending order.
  • Home & News - two columns, 'Y' if item is to be shown on (a) home page in Whats New / (b) Announcements page
  • Sort - the sort ordinal for Whats New items
  • Recent/Hm & Recent - two columns, ''Y' if item is to be shown on (a) home page in Recent Items / (b) Recent Items page
  • Sort - the sort ordinal for Recent Items on the Home page

The list may be sorted by any column with a blue (linked) title by clicking on it

Non-active and Recent Items home page items are highlighted in different colours.

Any item may be edited or marked for deletion by clicking on the Ref No. - this goes to the Edit screen. This screen is the same as Add with:

  1. a Delete button at the head;
  2. relevant form fields completed from the database entry. Fields may be amended accordingly and the results saved via the Submit button, and
  3. an additional field "Image name". This is for an optional image to be included with any Home Page entry. (NB - for the time being, Sigma3net will manage this facility!)

The Delete button offers a final confirmation option before deleting the item.

John Wheeler
