Bermuda - Conservation Priorities

Conservation Infrastructure

Staffing should be strengthened by the addition of:

  • an assistant Government conservation officer
  • a nature reserves manager for the Bermuda National Trust. Moves towards the establishment of a Bermuda Land Registry should be expedited and given the fullest political support. (Updated August 2001)
Conservation Policy
  • The recommendations of the Bermuda Biodiversity and Action Plan should be accepted and implemented.
  • The Bermuda Government should ensure that plans for the after-use of areas that have been, or will be, removed from military-base use include nature conservation objectives. (Cooper's Island should be high priority.)
  • Conservation guidelines should be prepared for Bermuda's caves, and formalised in legislation.
  • (Updated August 2001)
  • Plant conservation activities on Bermuda should be given legal force, including protection for endemic species and bans on the importation of known invasives.
  • Review and update conservation legislation
  • (Updated August 2001)
Protected Areas
  • The UK and Bermuda Governments should ensure the designation of additionally identified wetlands as Ramsar sites.
  • The Bermuda Ministry of Environment, Development and Opportunity should draw up a corporate environmental strategy for the island. A strategic plan should be drawn up for the identification and acquisition/designation of protected areas. Comprehensive management plans should be prepared for all national parks and nature reserves.
  • The Bermuda Government should publish an inventory of all areas of natural heritage importance, setting out the criteria by which they were selected and the policies that apply. It should include all nature reserves and officially designated areas.
  • (Updated August 2001)
Biodiversity (Species)

Table 2 shows the status of biodiversity research at species level. (Updated August 2001)

Table 2. Bermuda: Species Information Requirements
Species group Level of research to date Information available on conservation status Activities required Priority species
Birds Extensive Y B C D E A Bermuda white-eyed vireo, common tern, cahow, eastern bluebird, white-tailed tropicbird
Reptiles Some Y B C D E A Eumeces longirostris
Fish Some N C D E A Economically important reef fish, Bermuda killifish
Terrestrial invertebrates Some N B D E Bermuda cicada (possibly extinct)
Marine invertebrates Some Y E C Spiny lobster, West Indian topshell, Queen and harbour conch
Trees Extensive Y D E B Bermuda cedar, yellow wood, palmetto, olivewood
Other flowering plants Some Y B D E Bermuda sedge, St Andrew's cross, Bermudiana, Darrell's fleabane
Non-flowering plants Some N B D E Endemic ferns (Governor Laffan's fern, Bermuda shield fern)
A, Preparation of a species inventory; B, Survey of the geographical distribution of species; C, A detailed ecological survey of selected species; D, Assessment of conservation status of species; E, Regular monitoring of species.
Source: Bermuda Audubon Society
Biodiversity (Habitats)

Table 3 shows the requirements for habitat research. Those cells without a requirement indicated largely indicate work complete. Those showing a requirement largely indicate work in progress. The Other Terrestrial Habitats here refers essentially to caves. (Updated August 2001)

Table 3. Bermuda: Habitat Research Requirements
Habitat Vegetation mapping Listing of sites Detailed survey of selected sites Assessment of habitat for conservation purposes Regular monitoring of habitat
Woodland R - R R R
Mangrove - - R R R
Other wetlands - - R R R
Other terrestrial habitats R - R R R
R, required;
-, no response Source: